Love you till the fear subsides.
Woke up at 6am, still thinking about what happened, damn l-o-l. Then got ready, mom helped me to tie Scorpion as someone wants me to tie scorpion to school, so i did eh, ^^ Then went out at 6.50am, 184 to AES there, then met Nadzirah first, talked, then Farris and co came, sat with 'em, talked, then Shuttle bus came, then sat with Jeni, then reached school, buy mineral water!
Headed to Parade Sq, had silent reading, then went back class for Chemistry. Ha, Mr Han never scold me today, yay. Lol, okay lame. Then bring Fadhila to General office, thought she got fever, but check check, dont have. Then went back class, took bag and headed to parade sq for PE.
Ha ha, i passed my NAFA sia, lol! Then walked around the school for 1 round, then went back, sat ouside D&T room, then i released my Scorpion, cause it was so messy! So sorry to someone, i wil tie again tomorrow for you okay! ^_^
So, had lessons per normal, cut queue during recess, didn't finished my food for some reason, ha. Then went for Art, then stayed inside there till 4 plus.
After school went to Bpp, Fadhila damn cute, she suddenly went to Hazmi and tried to fight with him, Hazmi give me a wth look, hahaha! Damn hiliarious, fadhila fadhila~ Then 184 to Bpp. Once i board the bus, i found out that my ezlink card is at school, so i say "cb" very loudly, then Fadhila pulled me to the back, we l-o-l very loudly, free ride perh!
Reach Bpp, then print pictures, then cabbed to school, went to Art room, continued with Prep work, was on time, hek hek. Then handed in, and i was god damn happy! After handed in, first thing is to sms someone! Then left school with Fana and Akif while smsing with someone.
Reached home, bathed, online. Ate dinner, online again. Now on msn with Arab Boy, Darling, and Pussycat, all jokers, sibeh funny, but chat with Darling is the funniest eh, :/
Aw, i miss Darling so much! Okay lah, i also love you no matter what okay? ^^
Okay, tomorrow's my Prelim, mother tongue! Okay, bye earthlingoz.
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