Too hard on myself.
My laptop is okay already, its with my mom now, so i think i can upload photos most likely by tomorrow? Time check, now is 10.48am, i got fed up, why must my mom use the word "must"? Like wtf, they don't understand.
I don't like to work for my grandparents, and i seriously hate it. Even my mom can't even take it, then why me!? Yes, money issues, my prelim is on wednesday! I doubt they know that, tsk. So what if i were to fail? I get scoldings. Please ah, i really need 'em to understand.
Shan't talk much about this on my blog already, i don't want history to repeat. -.- Summarize it to : Please Dont Expect Much From Me, Im Just Emily, The Stupid Daughter You Have. :(
Now is 10.52, fuck, i really dont feel like going to work lah, but i have to. I have to face those idiotic customers and naggings from my grandma. I hate it, i really hate it. >:(
Im on now, watching Ft Island's video. The name of the MV is Love Sick, it has English subtitles on it, do look at it, it is very nice and sad. But the video abit merepek ah, lol. -.-
Shall post it at the end of the post, was on facebook last night, Joe uploaded all the pictures, and i only manage to find 1 picture, which is me and michelle, here you go.

As what i promised, this is the video! >
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