brand new day
Last night was terrible. The whole block of mine went black out and i was on the phone with Sera. Luckily man, but then i was alone at the kitchen and i was fucking shocked. Then i quickly ask fatty to come teman me, lolllll. Haha, then walk to living room, sat down. Fugging black, i mean dark. LOL.
Then Gummy called, then we hung up. Then Mr Favourite texted me, cause he stay around me too, then he was asking whether got black out anot, hahaha! Then after the lights came back, we had fun talking among the siblings and we slept around 12am? Lol.
Then woke up around 9am, Fadhila called. Then woke Eugene up for AIP. Then went back to sleep again. Then woke up, bath, headed to Novena with Mom.
Then had breakfast, and Mr Favourite texted me, hehe. :P Then i think he 4pm will text me again! xD
Just hung up with Akif, hmm. Kinda miss them ah, but nevermind. Tak original perh, haha. I prefer my current clan, lol!
K la, those who i've invited to ma birthday, please confirm with me by thursday. And those who i gave a miss call, call me back oke, cause you are invited, bahahahha! :P Okay, bye!

Okay, i got this photo from Tina's blog. Was really missing the past. Last year's 11th November, we were getting ready for our 1 week Yunnan trip. ;) It was fun, exciting and amazing and i can't wait for it. As the weather there is absolutely cool and different from Singapore's.
I remember me getting down the plane when i reached and the feeling is like shiok gile babi! Haha. Shopping at Lijiang Old Town. Bargaining, laughing, singing school songs, national song.
It was a fun experience, and my birthday, i had my birthday cake which is about 2 palms high and it was kind of cute with alot alot of creams -.- and it tastes somehow weird. hahaha, but i still appreciate JJC's idea. 8) Thanks people!
I miss the fun-ness, i want to go again. jom? hahahahha, k kidding.
da la, now on facebook chat with gummy bro, whahah! BYE! 1 more hour to go!
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