everything just for you.

okay hello! okay, shan't waste time and get started with last night ;) okay go.
was otp with sayang, then we end up msn-ing. then chatted till about 12+ and i went to sleep. and around 1+ shakir and hadi called me up. and fuck! they make me angry, lol. and then i went back to sleep.
woke up around 11am and didnt want for work as it was late and i didn't call up granny too. hehe, so i went to wash up, bath and sayang called. met him at pending and met gummy and ilham. went to ilham's crib outside. then they were kickboxing etc. took video and it was hilarious, haha.
then iskandar came. and headed to bangkit with sayang and iskandar. headed to wendy's, and then went to look for iskandar's earpiece. and fucking shit, i got "molested". nabeh, cb, your father die. _1_ for you pubor! then walk back to ilham's block while iskandar went for some birthday party.
stayed there till 2+ and they walk me home and they left for 139 i think. and now im at home, freaking hungry. :( lazy to cook, brother's sleeping, granny's out. i want to look for them uh, but then im wondering will my mom allow.. *sad*
haha, i will ask her later on then. ;) tomorrow is my birthday, like finally! i can't wait, hehe. <: finally i'll get to see those who i've not met since school closed, people like yimling, rena, tina, vivien, yingying etc. yay! :]
k la, i stop here, bye! :)
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