Till i heard about it.

Okay hello readers! Been wondering, everyday the number of readers that reads my blog are 50 and above and yet not much tags. :( Kinda disappointing yknow, lol. Hahah! K la, emotional much -.-
Sayang texted me when he woke up, real pig. Haha, it was around 2.30 then. Then msn with Gummy. Then texted Ayun. Then met them around 3+ under my block, then Iskandar came. Then Iskandar left shortly after, then left me, gummy and ayun.
Talked, slacked, till 6pm and bought dinner and home. Just hung up with Ayun and Gummy. 3 of us is very stress now, im kinda pissed off uh.
I hate selfish and lazy people. *angry face* fvck! :@
Okay, back. (: Look at this! LOL. Justin Bieber leh! Hahahaha! Cute uh Ayun, lolz. -.- Those who watch this video, please do comment! :)
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