If it was easy.
I am no longer single, hehe yay! ^^ Okay back to topic, slept around 12+ and then woke up around 9+. Was fed up with the renovation next door, fuck! I hate the sounddd~ So noisy, i can't even sleep for long! :X
So woke up, and then texted with Mr Fav and went to bath. Then went online for awhile and then went downstairs to meet Ayun! *wide smile* Then went down already, stupid him never eat panadol, haiz. Then Gummy came.
Then talk for awhile and Ayun left for work and leaving me and Gummy. Then Iskandar came, and then headed to Ten Mile. Then met up with Cammie, Jeni and Diyanah. :) Then off to Sheng Shiong.
Then bought stuffs, had fun and had hide-and-seek game with Jeni and Diyanah, haha! Then after that, headed to Iskandar's crib. Then off to slack for awhile and left to Bpp. Paid for the cake, its oreeeeeo!! YAY. HAHAHA. Then off to Macdo, then slacked till 4+ and bus home with Cammie.
Reach home, online, ;) Hmm, feel like changing my blogskin. Im so sick and tired of this skin already, meh. :/ Sian sianz. :(
Hmm, can't wait for Monday to come. Tomorrow going to Novena with Cheryl! And then Sunday working with grandparents, and then monday, oh yeeeeeeaaaaaaaahhh. My day!! HAHAHA!
Wanna wish Kak Ilah & Yimling a happy 17th and 16th birthday! Hehe, hope you two stay happy forever! & not forgetting, Carmen sis, happy 14th birthday (?) Haha! Love you three! :D
And yesterday was the 12th, for this relationship, i just want us to be happy and everything goes smoothly for us from today onwards. Argh, faster text me sayaaaaaaaaaaang, your break time start already! :P Hehe!
K la, i stop here. Baibai~
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