im sixteen today.

okay hello people. i turn sixteen today. it was exciting to see those texts messages coming in and cause my phone to jam like hell. haha k, i know my phone budget :( lol. but still, my favourite phone okay, hmph! hahah! :P
Okay, i would like to congrat Syazwan for being the 1 person to wish in advance and Rena to text me at 12am sharp. ^^ And i would like to thanks Cammie and Gummy for their post on their blog, not forgetting Yimling's post too, ^^ And i would like to thanks who stayed till 12am on msn to just wish me happy birthday. ^^
And most importantly, sayang! Thanks for waking up so early for me this morning. Was very touched and see you getting stress bout my pit, seriously thanks alot, i love you! :D I'll see you later on okay sayang? ;)
Hmm, can't get to sleep last night, kinda no mood for no reason, stayed awake till 3am and then finally i can sleep, before that i kept thinking that imma die on my birthday. lolz. i know im stupid, rofl. So slept like finally....
Woke up around 8.30 by daddy's shouting happy birthday, wake up and buy breakfast for me. LOLOLOLOL, so woke up, brush teeth, everything. Then went to buy breakfast for dad, mom, granny and me. And today i ate breakfast okay, lol. Okay weird, then chatted with dad and mom. I love chatting with 'em cause they always either make me laugh or mad. lolz.
Hmm, right now on msn with Cammie sista ;) Hmm waiting for Gummy's call now. Cause we have something on, hehe ^^ Okay, hmm ohya, i nearly forgot something!!
The bbq location is changed, from Bukit Panjang Park to Block 121 Pending Road. Do take note, you can alight from Pending station and cross the road and walk in. Don't know? Find yourself, haha, bastard me. Just text me alright ;)
Hehe, okay im done!! ^^ IM SIXTEEEEEEEEEEN, YAY!
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