Thanks Yimling!

Alright, i wanna say thanks to Yimling for her sweet dedication on her blog for me, and she posted my favourite picture yaknow, haha. Thanks girl, hmm how can you dislike me for liking Shakir at the same time as you! *heartbreak* Haha, that was like 4 years ago man?! Shan't talk much about her post aye, you want, you read. In other words, Yimling, Thanks! Love ya! Wait for me, im turning SIXTEEEN! HAHAHAHAHA.
Went to meet Ayun, Iskandar & Ilham under my block, and Ayun wanted to scare me with this lil stupid bomb thing, lolz. Then we went to idk block and slacked. Then around 6+, me, Ayun & Ilham headed to Bangkit while Iskandar head home to shit. Haha. Lol.
Then off to bangkit with Sayang while that Ilham went somewhere -___- Weirdo. LOL. Then bought food for Granny and brother. Then walk back to my block. Met Iskandar and i headed home.
Now, im waiting for sayang to go home and then call me up! ;) Hehe, so yeah, ciaos! :D
And please take note, my bbq location is changed. Please do take note. I will contact you guys by tonight, im sorry for the kecoh-ness or whatever ya call it. ;)
Bahahahaha, tomorrow im sixteen, sayang, wait for your turn k, lolz. :P
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