
Okay, almost, missed the shuttle bus, waited for Alson, and he didn't turned up, grr. So i just board 184, reached bustop, 3rd bus were there, and Hadi were like staring at me like i killed someone, i just diao him, rofl. Then thanks to Shakir, he pushed me up to the bus, if not, i gotta walk up already, roflz. :-D
Bought mineral water like i always does, then headed to class for temperature taking, then Mdm Bariyah came, and she's saying that those who are with long hairs, no socks, short skirt have to go to Foyer. And guess what, nobody from our class went! Omggggggay, im so proud of 4D! ^^
Had Chemistry, and i was so irritated by the teacher!! -_- Why is it that just a lil sound, laugher or whatsoever you stares at ME?! -_- I know ah, i very noisy, but hello, i wasn't the one lah! And, this teacher likes to aim me and Fana, wth. Un-fair lah! Geeez.
Pe after that, changed, fana the girl, i think she raging hormones, she forced me, fadhila and her into a changing room, and wtfffffff, she so disgusting, and Fadhila actually shouted out my *top secret* man, wtf. :@ Then changed already, 3 of us walked to parade sq, damn Fadhila go tell Shakir my *top secret*. And Shakir was like l-o-l-ing lah, wtf. :( Then ran the whole school, i mean walked. Then went to Basketball court, then to parade sq, played badminton.
Geography, boring as ever, zzzzzzzzzzzzz. So hawt, i mean the weather. xD
Recess, ate, Jiawei help me buy, hek hek, thanks so much lar, Jiawei ^^
Art class, headed to Art room (duh) and again, cut cut cut cut cut! With my cute classmate and kak, ^^
Then English, was the most fun lesson among all for today. Normally Ms Meena always nag at us, but today never. :) Were talking about report-writting. Then she were saying " Okay, this is the head of the writing, then the body then the " And i shouted "KONEK!" And whole class laughed, as well as Ms Meena, then i took the pass and got out of the class, ha ha ha!
After that Mr Nasim came in, again, encouraging stuffs for us! :D And he was happy that none of the 4D students were at the foyer in the morning. :) Yay, then he dismissed us.
Headed to canteen, reached, of course, look out for *ahem. Then chill abit at the usual's. Then went to Artspiration there, re-filled bottle, talked to Bestf. Then wished him luck for his oral and i left for Art with Aslina. :}
Cut again, then left at 3pm, walked around, dilly-dally, talked to Bestf's friend, Azri, lol. He damn effing funny, roflz! HA HA HA HA HA! I cannot stop thinking of him, i mean the way he talk. Ha ha, then headed to Miss Ooi homeroom for math, reached at 3.30pm, damn pro. :)
Did math, Miss Ooi taught halfway, and she left, and she asked one of the express student to teach us, and he got so fed up with my questions. Lololol, anyway, i asked cause i really don't know, not on purpose de okay. And the way he talk, i cannot stand it sia, Fana, Me were like keep on trying to control our laugher, lmaoz. Then left Homeroom at about 4.15pm, headed to Art room again. :/
Then left artroom with Michelle, headed to the walk-way along the field. Then had h2h talk with her regarding life things like that, and she told me her's too, well, i just love her! :P Huzai were playing football with Zoomzoom and Bestf. And, i was being very very sacarstic towards Huzai and Bestf, hek hek! :D Don't bully girls okay! =]
Then left for art room, cut again! Left school at 6pm, played piano with Jeni! Then walked to 220 to meet Fadluddin, Alson & Izzuan. Then i left home, bath, onlined, dinner.
Vomited out those dinner food, *grosszsx. My stomach siao liao lar! :/ Then were pissed off by someone ah, but never-mind, forget it, takes time, be patient.
Taking Mom's car to school tomorrow, F.A.S.T tomorrow, ohmygawdddddd. Zzz, sian sian sian.
Thursday is my oral day, omgawddddd! N LEVEL, HERE I COME, GRAH. :/
And, i'm so bored now, and i'm finding myself gettin excited over small things, and then merajuk with small stuffs, haiyor, emily siao liao lar.
On msn with Fana and Huzai, rofl. And yesssssah, Billy Pussymeaow finally, finally updated his blog, HAHAHAHAH! YAY! :D
Okay, da, bye stalkers, readers. TAG MEEEEEE!
I felt dumbfounded when i saw that, oh baby, why call her baby? :O
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