i really love you, bf.

Woke up at 6.30am, and then got ready, mom drove us to school. Reached school, first thang to do is to head to the canteen and buy my super good friend, Mineral Water! ^^ Without it, i will have bad mood okay, lol. Then headed to Library, again. With class 4C, didn't talked to Fana, was kinda pissed at her. Then Mr Nasim was again, encouraging us, although 95% of the teachers of our school had already given up on class 4D, which is my class. Zz, then Mr Nasim asked a question. He asked this >
Mr Nasim : Who wants to go to Secondary Five, stand up.
4D & 4C's 99% student stood up* 1% didn't stood up.
And, surprisngly, Me, Fana, Asshiddiq and more belonged to the 1%. :)
Mr Nasim : Okay, thank you, please be seated.
Mr Nasim : Mdm, *points me You don't want to go Sec 5?
Me : Shakes head* No, don't want.
Mr Nasim : Why?
Me : Smiles*
Mr Nasim : Alright, thanks, at least you guys are clear of your decision, its alright, you will go through this for sure.
Yes, i don't want to go to Secondary 5, because i don't wanna fail O level then end myself at Nitec and not Higher Nitec! :) Then after that, went back class for Chemistry, Math, Physics. I slept during Math, damn shit, roflz. In between Math & Physics, Fana teman me to toilet, and we're okay already. Aslina gave me Famous Amos!! Yesssssah, ^^
Recess, again, 4 ladies of mine wants to eat Western fried rice, and i went >
Me : Why always eat that one de?!
Bestfriend walked past and said somethang : Just eat la, haiyo.
Me : Shut up.
Haha, in the end i also ate Western lah, hahahahaha! Then i finished first because its not nice, lol. I meant, i only ate the meat, and not rice. Then i did somethang stupid, real stupid infront of Billy Gun, and he laughed, wtf. Stupid sombong. Lol. Then had Chemistry again, then school ended.
Then went to canteen, saw something that i don't wish to elaborate, i will erase it from my mind, i hope i can, seriously. I want to stay happy you know? :) And! That Huzaifah damn basterd, make me paisey sia, wahpiang. -_- Then went for Art, and my finger is hurt, its swollen. :( I'll show ya, and please be sad for me, >:(
Can see the difference?! My right finger is so Fatttttt!! Omfgz, its very painful lohszx, haisss! Then Tina came and look for me at the Art Room around 4pm, she just finished her N level oral, then she told me she got pangseh-ed by Ying, Cheryl & Jason. I got sort of angry lah, argh. :@ Then Vivien came, cut 'em a "T" and "V". T stands for tektak. V stands for Vagina. Haha! Lol. Then left school at 5pm, :)
And i'm here blogging after bathing and eating. I'm on Msn with Aslina, listening to Battlefield by Jordin Sparks. :) Okay, toooodles! Tag me alright? :>
Edited at 8.02pm. :)
Hi again, i'm here to show you readers a couple of pictures when i'm young, ha-ha!
Tag me okay? Love y'all. :)
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