happy startout, bad ending.
Woke up around 6.30am, my alarm rang from 5.45 till 6.30 as i didn't want to wake up, hek hek. Then woke up, did things as i did like i do as usual, then went out at 6.50am, board 184, and missed 2nd bus on purpose, then met 'em, took 3rd bus, had a chat with Kamilah on the bus, :)
Reached, canteen, mineral water. Standard, tsk. Then went to class, Fana was late, and when she reached, i bombarded her with my whinings and she's being so holy to listen to me. ^^ Ha ha, bestfriends what!
Then had Math, i did my worksheet okay, easy lah eh! :/ Ha ha, then had Art for 2 hours, and i finally finished feather, i mean 1 bird out of 3 bird. Gonna chiong chiong chiong. =)
Had Social studies test about deterrence today, and yes, i did lah. Then after that mother tongue, was nervous man, nervous to the max! :'(
Had oral, before heading to the waiting room, went to Library for temperature taking and you know whaaaaaaaat?! My temperature was high siah! Its 37.7 degree at first, then 2nd time is 37.9 degree. I admit i was god damn nervous and feeling very very warm. Then Mdm Suria help me to take temperature, and guess what? Its 36.7 degree. HAHA! Damn dumb i know, ha ha. Then headed to Com Lab 1, was laughing out loud when Mdm Yap is briefing us. Cause Shakir was irritating her, lol.
Then me and fadhila kept talking and talking, and laughed and laughed. Lol, then after that finally my turn, i was god damn fucking nervous lah, the picture was difficult, and i was at lost. And the passage was kinda okay, boleh pass lah, hais. Then conversation, well, i leaked a top secret of mine, only some of my friends know, and i hope by leaking this secret of mine can let me passsss! ^_^
Then after oral, headed to Art room, did my work. Then went to toilet with Fana, Fadhila and Fieza. Took pichas! We took alot, but i'm going to upload only 2 pictures, hek hek. :P
Ha ha, then reached home, bath, stone, online, dinner after bestf asked me to eat. C:
My dearest Sakinah cat-lover is down with H1N1, and im gonna pray for her from tonight onwards My dear girl, although you won't be able to see this, but you know what, im going to pray for you, stay strong, i love you! I want to see you soon so that i could give you a big hug ok! Mwarkz! :B
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