Alright, hi readers. School was overall suckish, cause i hate school. :P Woke up at 6.30am, as i slept at 3am last night, i can't sleep, and i thank god, i tolerated. And, i dreamt of You, and i knew, the dream was a happy one. But you know, the fact is that its impossible, as i said, dream.
184 to Assumption bustop, was drizzling, reached bustop, shooked hands, left for school alone. Reached canteen, stoned, people came, help Fieza tied her hair, left for class. Temperature was 37.4 celcius, god damn it, i'm shocked. Then had Chemistry, slept. Math, did worksheet, started to talk as i didn't even utter a word since i woke up. Physics was okay, starting to cheer up.. :')
Recess was dreadful, time passes so slow so slow, didn't ate, gave it a pass, talked with Tina and Jason. Bought GreenTea, Billy Gun was behind me and he said to the uncle that he wants "Milo dog." Cause my dog's name was Milo. -_- Then went to Jason's class, then went back to class. Had Chemistry again, and this time, i wasn't asleep but worrying to death.
Bell rang, Sri was waiting for me outside, and of course, i acted to be ultra fucking cb happy. :/ Then headed to the scary place, the place where i'm most afraid of, the place when it hurts me deep down, waited for Irene for like 10 minutes.
You guys might be wondering why i went to met her, please get it right, she wanted to meet me first, and i heard from Sri that she called Sri while she's in tears, telling her how sad was she for the outcome after being together with my Bestf. She still said that Irene wants to talk to me regarding to our friendship and hope that we can still be friends. So i listened to Sri, i actually don't even feel like talking to her, but after talking with Fadhila, Fana, Sri, Aslina, Fieza, Sera, Farris, i decided to just go and settle it.
So i went, Sera was with me, but you know what? She didn't turned up, -_- Then we headed to canteen, and, we saw her hiding away from me and Sera with Kathie. I was like -_-" Then went to canteen, called Kathie, met 'em outside Science lab. And, i was totally pissed, she make me looked like a fool, she fooled me, she hurt me again, i'm speechless! I was talking all the while, so as to not make myself look like a fool, i know, Sera was pissed too, and i promised her not to cry. I need time, please. I need time to accept this fact, takecare!
Went to Artroom, put bags down, Mdm Fat drove me, Sera, Inia and Aisyah to Bpp for lunch. Then reached school around 2pm+. Did work. Laughed, did stupid stuffs, joked. And like what Michelle said, its been a long time since i was these happy during Art. And, i noticed that too..
Left school with Kamilah and Alastair. Alastair make me feel like crying, but i know he was saying all these for my own good. Yes, i'm sure he won't make a good choice, but i'm also sure that i can prove to people that he is worth waiting. Yes, what for to wait when i treats him so good while he treats me like ..... I totally agree with you, but i need time, i seriously need time.
It affects my Art, its pulling me down, my Art is due on Next week, and guess what? Its not even fucking ready. And, i'm very very stress now. I've gotta work tomorrow, and as well as Sunday. Cool or what? Great, N level is coming in less than a month, Prelims are coming in 2 weeks time. God, please kill me now, grah. :@
I'm feeling really loved during all these times, i was crying, and crying, whining, vomitting, and you people never failed to ask me how am i, what happen, asking me to cheer up. And, this are my dedications. :) Not by order, as all is the same, and all treats me well. :D
Fana darling, thanks so much girl, i know you will be there for me, thanks so much, really. I appreciate you and i know you just want the best for me, please give me time, i need time. :') I love you Fana! (:
Fadhila Nanos, i know you can't read, but i will let you read soon, ha-ha. You gave the best advice, your method works for me, you wants the best for me, you don't like to see me cry, and i thank you for that, dearest Fadhila. Luv ya.
Kak Fieza, kak, thanks. I know you will not give up on me, i know no matter what you wil be there for me, you've been there to comfort me, no matter thru msn or realife, and i appreciate it much, thanks so much, i love you.
Sera! This mamatan of yours love you so much! Thanks so much, and we shall stand side by side together alright? Thanks for being there, thanks for making me promise for not being a weakling. Thanks so much, i love you.
Sri Bestie, i didn't thought that because of me you will hate Irene, but you see, this is mankind. Life is like that, lies is around us, and i know, you wants the best for me, you've known me for 3 years, and seriously, although i sometimes merajuk with you smoking, but its for you own good like how you want me to be happy. Thanks so much, i know you'll be there, thanks so much Bestie.
Bestf, i know you won't read this. You're belonging to someone now, and i am numb. Look, as long as you're happy, i'm fine with it. Anything, can come and talk to me, i will be there for you like how you do to me. ^^
Aslina, Michelle, Farris, Alson, Ahmad, Akif, Shakir, Kamilah, Suhaimi, Hadi, Tina, Jiawei, Alastair, Aryna, Lingsheng, Idris & Huzaifah. :-)
Thanks so much humans, i appreciate your helps, thanks so much for all the meaningful words, thanks so much for being there whenever i needs someone to talk to. You people have been there all the while, i know, when i'm upset, i can look for you all. Thanks so much for not letting me feel that i'm not alone, you guys are with me. Thanks so much, i love you guys. :')
I shall stop here? I've got enough! And, i got 2 picture to show you'all, its Sri's dedication to me and Rena's 16th! :D

Okay, ciao! Tag me yeah! Bye!
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