Play pretence, im sorry.

Okay, hello everyone. Miss my post? Well, i didn't came online yesterday on purpose anyway, cause many things was on my mind and i think i need a good talk with my girl. But things now seems to be okay, i seems to be taking it well now, so thumbs up for me? Ah, whatever.
School today was a hectic one for me, i was struggling all the way, my alarm rang since 5.45am, i snoozed it till 6.15am, woke up, texted Fana to remind her to bring Tie for Oral and Fadhila. Went out at 6.50am, reached Pending, top-up card, then saw Akif. Then bus 963 with Lingsheng as 184 was damn frigging full. -_- Bodoh sia, nye SMRT!
Then reached Bustop late, walked up with Fadhila, Emmabel, Sidek and Sera. Then went to Parade Sq, teacher nag, took attendance, went back class. And what-tha-hell? Our seating arrangement changed! We've gotta sit row by row now, and by register number, grrrr. So bobian, sit jiu sit loh, ah-ber-dhen? -_-
Had Mother-tongue, had Oral practices and i was tongue-tied, but i was loud, ha ha! Then English, took temperature, my temperature was like getting high then low, high then low. Then had Math, went to Office, then to Mrs Viswa's homeroom as my back was killing me, fucking cb pain. Then applied cream, went for Math, slept all the way, i was feeling damn uncomfortable..
Recess, didn't ate much, was having a hard time with myself, seriously, i'm struggling..
Then went for Geog, buey tahan the pain, went to look for Mrs Viswa again, and this time, i'm having a difficult time to get the cream for myself, but its so pain that i got no strength to walk, thank god, Shakir was there, so i got him to help me ask for it as im a coward to do so, then Suhaimi told me that Mrs Viswa is teaching his class.. Then took the cream, headed to Toilet, Sri helped me with it, it was a big patch of red thing lah, fucking pain, then after that, we've gotta return it to her. And, we did it eventually, with the help of Mdm Fatimah, i managed to got through it.. :')
Did work, then headed to Art room, then off to canteen. Bought food, till Shakir told me somethang and i was pissed and walk away to look for Fadhila and Michelle. And, after what had happened, i cried, i didn't know that you cared for me, i didn't know that i can be so fucking cb on you, i'm struggling, i'm sorry my dear. :(
S.t.a.r programme was okay, walked with Fadhila to Pending with Izzuan and Fadluddin. I went home after sending 'em to Pending.
I'm struggling, i'm so sorry, i'm so upset, i'm such a coward, but no matter what, in order to not let you to be upset, i shall be the one who's gonna be upset. And, i want you to be happy..
Yesterday's Party at Rena's was fun, took alot of pictures, but its with Michelle, i only got 2, i took it with Fana and Michelle! ^^ Here you go. :)
Alright, shall end here, wish me luck for the rest of the day, may god let me pull it through and not playing with my mood. :) Ciaos! Tag me okayyy! ^^
i miss you. i miss your everything. i miss those happy times.
We've been bickering almost everytime when we chats. i'm so sorry.
I just want you to be happy, seriously. i miss you alot, my dearest friend.
Takecare Mister, i know you won't read it. But, is the thoughts that counts..
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