Im taken.

Hello world, apparently i deleted the previous post as i was in a rush to post just now, but now i am not, eugene replaced me, so i dont need to teman my dad to whampoa. :) So i will be online till night i guess? But im very sleepy right now, yawns.
Baby is sleeping i guess? Ha, he said he will be online at 3 but now is 3.20pm and he is not online, so i assume, he is still sleeping now? So yeah, he is not online, haha! Shall wait for tonight then, and tomorrow's school, its friday and saturday then sunday!
Its Hazmi's 16th on this saturday, hey dude, ready for it? Hiak hiak, you know i know eh, mwahaha, hehe! Shh, secret!
Well, had social studies paper today, and fock, i am gonna flunk my structured questions, it wasn't based on conflict in sri lanka and ireland but healthcare in singapore and british! I rrrrreally feel like giving up at tha point of time, but lucky me, i still remember some factors of the healthcare topic, so did structured first then source based, well, i manage to do it, haha! Source based was about ASEAN and i were too sleepy for it, but i still did it.
Just 15 more mintues to 9.30am, slept, then Mr Raj kicked my table, mesti ah, confirm purposely de, -.- Then woke up, chiong, then day dream, then stopped at 9.30am, headed to canteen, then stupid Farris say i shit, say i smells, so i chase him, then both of us were so tired, and we rested, haha. Then after lower-sec's recess finish, was about 11am?
Bought rice, ate halfway, ran to toilet and vomit everything out. Couldn't finish it up, so Fieza finished up for me, i was feeling awful, was coughing, took temperature, 37.6 degree, then rested for awhile, then bby texted me, met him, then told him i vomitted and temp was high.
Then we went to Pending, he bought sweets while Fadhila called me, then we went to opp 116, slacked, played games, talked, then went to 128. Then suwooped, then went to 190 bustop, un-tie my scorpion, cause he already see liao, then he go off and i went home.
Manage to take the key, then went in, online. Here i am blogging, bby is online now, haha! ^_^ Alright, shall stop here, bye earthlings, love you all.
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