Hello everyone! I shall blog about today without anymore delays alright. ^^ Hmm, here i go! Woke up around 6.30am? Then off to bath and got ready.
Left house around 7am, with Yeeru. Then waited for mr justin, who took his own sweet time -.- Fajar is like Phoenix. Roflz. Haha! :/ Then 184 come already, i malas nk tunggu then i just pangseh Yeeru, haha, sorry yo! :D I love you lah, don't angry. ^^ Then 184 to Assumption.
Met Shakir, Hadi and Kamilah. Shook hands, then shuttle bus came, bobian have to go up the bus cause of Mr K -.- I was like wtfuckingshit? Don't need to shout at me right? Wahlao, nevermind, nevermind. :) I forgive and don't forget, LOL.
Then texted babyboy that i can't manage to wait for him, so reached school, headed to canteen, met up with the rest, off to parade square. Then assembled, then saw babyboy ^^ Then after that whole school was being dismissed to their own respective class but not for class 4B, 4C & 4D.
Stayed at parade sq, Mr Nasim were giving us a test based on chemistry, and whoever he points out, we have to go up and write the answer out. Then me and sera was like sitting at tha back laughing, hahah! Then Mr Nasim suddenly said this and cause me and sera to be shocked.
Mr Nasim : The 2 girls behind. *points to me and sera.
Me : * stare at him, and laugh to Sera.
Sera : Aiyorrr!!!
Then i only managed to remember the formula of Carbon dioxide and Ammonia. Haha, which is co2 and nh3. LOL. Then went up, the question was : Carbon dioxide plus lime chalky water (something like that.) Then i heng, i remember Carbon dioxide. Hah, so i wrote "Co2 + " Haha, then Mr Nasim was like "Uhm, good! Good start out!" Then i was stucked there and thanks fo Fir, he gave me answer. Hehe, thank godddddd. LOL.
Then Mr Nasim ask another question which
i don't even know what does it means.. Lol, then Fadhila came to rescue me, hehe! :) Then she help me do liao, went back to sit. Then dismissed back to class.
Had Chemistry/Math/Physics/Recess/Chemistry. Then after that, went to canteen to meet Babyboy (: Went to sit with him with his friends, then left school. Went home straight, babyboy send me till my level, thanks for the kiss although i was really really like sick and sad. >: Im so sorry, but i appreciate you for walking me back to my level although you gotta go and pray.
Then went home, bathed, slept like what babyboy said, i listened to him k, haha! ^^ Then after that woke up, Fadhila is at the doorstep, then went to Greenridge for lunch, then off to Bpp and met up with Shakir and his babykira. Then waited for Hadizhar.
Then after that walked to i-dont-know where, then lepak for awhile, walked home. Home, online, blogged. ^-^ Im done!
I got a few dedications to some of my lovely darlings and my only love. :)
To Babyboy.Thanks for everything, i can sense your effort in making me feeling secure, in making me happy, and making sure im seriously okay. If i have one wish, i'd wish for a long lasting relationship with you,
i love you and i swear, you are the bestest boy and the sweetest bestfriend/boyfriend i ever had. :) Muacks! ^^
To Fana & Akif.Hey you two, stay strong. No matter what happens, i believe that you two will last, although parents may give you two hard times, but i know, knowing you two for 2 years, you guys are strong enough to go through this, no matter what, always remember, im here for you. :D
To Emmabel, Fieza, Fadhila and my dearest Sera! ^^Girls girls girls, you girls are so understanding. I am seriously fortunate to have you girls with me in class, never got enough of laughters from you girls, each of you has your own problems, but i'm sure that, we can get thru this yeah? I love you girls. ^^
To Tina.Do be touched that i only dedicated to you but not the rest. (Got it?) I hope i did cheered up a lil by the email that was sent by me last week, you may be alone or what, but always remember, im here for you, i can sacrifice my recess for you. LOL! :X Be happy okeh! :D
To Jason.Jason Gan Zhi Huiiiii! :P Jason and jason, count yourself lucky to go thru this hard obstacle, it will make you much stronger and make your much smarter. Count yourself unlucky to met this problem which really hurt you, i know how you feel, exactly. You are a boy, you are good looking with a good personality, you make a good brother, you make a good boyfriend, you make a good listener. I promise you, if you are able to move on, you will find better ones, find those who will appreciate for what you did.
Don't give up on love, but give up on this girl, this girl is not worth you spending your time,
money and most importantly, your heartaches. I've known you for 3 years, i don't want to see you getting so upset, i know you are strong. In order to want me to be happy, you also have to. In order to always go to BPP with me, you have to happy. Okay, this post may be nothing to you, but look, im always here for you, i promise you. :) Cheeeeer up sexy brother. hehe!
Okey im done, long post, l-o-l. Bye!