I miss ma silly boy
Hello people, im here to blog, there is pictures but its with Fana. I can't bluetooth it to my phone cause my 2GB card is missing in action and i don't think i want it back, ha ha. :P But at a second thought, i want it back cause me and boyfriend's photo is inside!! :( Haiszx, nevermind, can take more, hehe. :)
Im currently on MSN with Huzaifah. :) Hmm, he is being such a kind soul to ask me how is things between me and boyfriend, haha, so nice hor, this d***head, lol. I star-ed it cause later he call me ah lian again, -.- Alrrright, shall talk about today then. :-)
Woke up around 6am, called Fadhila but never answer, so i went back to sleep while waiting for her text, then she texted me around 6.15am, so woke up and bathed, bath liao, brushed teeth, lol-ed with Yeeru again, she these few days keep lol-ing to me, i think she crazy liao, lol.
Then went out at 7am, was about to go in the lift, met Fadhila with her sat-sat face, i was like, wtf?! Lol, then we walked to school. ;) Outside BPPS, got one cyclist, it was a uncle, and guess what? He is very rude you know!! :@
Uncle : makes a very rude sound something like > wuh!
Me : Freaked out* turns and stare at him.
Fadhila : Started to laugh very loudly*
Me : Chua tio, hold Fadhila's hand cause the uncle's eye very fierce.
Uncle : Diao us, and cycled away.
So rude right this uncle? Veh cb lor, wtf. Scare me in the morning, what tha fark?! Then walked to school, saw Boyfriend, then teased him with his big pimple on his left cheek, lol! Then headed to toilet. Then looked for Boyfriend again, talked to him then left for canteen. Met up with tha rest, went to Parade sq.
Then Mr Nasim held us back to have a talk with us, then left for mother tongue class, Cheryl lend me her story book "Chinese Cinderella". A touching story, i was very into it and i read it for the whole 1 hr lesson without Miss Chan nagging at me although she saw me reading it. haha!
Then had English, talked to Sera, Fadhila and Fieza. ^-^ Then had Math. Studied a lil, lol. Then had recess at canteen, moodswings :( Then left for hall for concert, was veh moody.
Then watched some performance, didn't really quite enjoyed till the hip-hop dance, Mr Chong danced like very "outstanding" and it make me laughed like crazy, lol!
Then after concert, boyfriend talked to me, then headed to toilet, then boyfriend missed called me, then went to look for him, then left school with him. ^^ hehe. :P
Didn't went back to Westview, cause Jeanne and the rest isn't going back, as well so Guobin, haha! So yeah, dropped the idea, plus, i think they got time limits lor, hmm, waste of time ley, so didn't went lah in the end, :/
Then walked to 190 bustop, after that met Fadhila and the rest, trained to Ahmad's crib, fell asleep, then woke up, Shakir and Farris came after that, went to some mini mart with Fadhila, then went back, played 21 points with Farris, ^^ Then lost to him, as well as he, did 5 push-ups, then after that Alson played for me and now, i owe Farris 15 push ups, -.-
Left while Farris went to skate board, hehe, hope he forgets! Lol, walked to South View with Fadhila, then trained home, bath, online. :)
Saw this when i got online. >

My boyfriend use to be my bestfriend. And we use to be BFF. Can you be my BoyFieForever? Hehe, me love you lah bi! :) Fifteen more day to our 1st monthsary! Yay, weeeee~