Alright, hello! Im here to post for
yesterday. As i reached home around 11+ and i was too tired to on my laptop to post. :/ Haha, okay, here i go yeeeaaaah?
Met up with Sera around 12pm at Lot1. Then off to change into Baju Raye as i can't go out in baju raye from my house. So yeah, went to change and got ready. Wore contact lense.
Fyi, i bought contact lense cause my Boyfriend likes me without-spect okay. Seee baby! Haha, i've got over my phobia cause of you dear, hehe! xD
Okay, back to topic. Then went to Mac, the auntie spoke to me in malay and i went
"huh?!". Then the cashier beside her said "die cine lah!" Haha, then i just laugh and looked at Sera. Wahahah! Then off to wait for the rest, Baby came first, then followed by Iszehari & Fahkrullah.
Off to Hidayah's house first. Was seriously boring -__- and its very awkward too, hmm. Engine haven't start what, hahaha! Then after that headed to Asshiddiq's house, watched movie, was damn engrossing and it was nice. His lil sister is cute too, her eyes are big like 0_0. Haha, k kidding. ;)
Then went to Huzai's house, reached there, watched television, waited for Huzai to get ready, then left. Walked to Ayun's house, gosh, his house got cat!! Holy, fyi, im scared of cats. :D Haha, reached his house, everyone was looking for the cat but not for the girls, which is only me and Sera. Baby carried the cat and came to me and i escaped. Haha, clever! ;D The cat is very very fat okay, like garfield. Lol!
Then went to Boonlay. On the lrt, Huzai and Ayun complained that they are having stomachache and they wanted to go to Huzai's house then go Boonlay meet us. So we trained down to Boonlay. Went to Mac. Bought large coke while Sera and Iszehari did something damn shocking. But who cares? Its warm still, ahaha! Okay lah, not really okay to type it here, so abort the idea k. ;)
Then off to Interchange to meet Huzai and Ayun. Then 181 to Westwood road. Then met Mdm Fat at the bustop, went to her house. Settled at the dinner table, then relax abit. Then food timee! Hahaha, all the boys was like 10-months-never-eat. Had macoroni and chickens. It was nice, hmm, haah, free whaaaat! LOL.
Funny thing is that Mdm fat's 2nd son saw Huzai and he asked Mdm fat this > Mama, why is his hair white? Then we laughed so loud when we heard that, hahaha! LOLLLLL. Huzai huzai. Lmao! Hahah.
Then after that, went to change and took out my contact lense. While taking out, me and Sera kept laughing cause it was funny, lol! Then changed, and then went to the living room area. Had ice-cream, mdm fat's son, Latif is god damn cute. There was once he wanted to run and hop on top of the sofa. But when he ran, he bang into the sofa and he fell down. Lol, seriously very very funny. Me and Sera was laughing all the way, ahah! Then took pictures, its with Mdm Fat, hope she will upload it soon.
Talked for a moment, laughed, made fun of Huzai. And cause Huzai's face to turn damn red, haha! Fun ah to disturb him, anyway the mastermind is Baby, not me hor Huzai! LOL.
Then 181 back to Interchange, then 180 home. Slept on the bus, but kept waking up cause like what Baby said, Bangala HQ. LOL. Then reached Bukit Panjang, Huzai and co was like asking me smile smile -.- Which i can't, i was seriously worn out. Then Ayun and Arian walk me home as they stay opposite me. While Huzai headed home.
Thanks Ayun and Arian to teman me up to my floor cause that both idiot was like "Emily, later got ghost follow you ah" I was scared and i force them to go up with me. LOL! Hahaha, then reached home, bath, texted with Baby then slept.
Pictures yeaaah? Only 4 lah, hmm, cause we had fun till we forgot to take pictures, haha! :/

Huzai, Ayun, Baby and Sera said that i looked like Indon girl -__- But i don't even know how does a Indon girl look like?!!!? Okay whatever, lolll.
Alright shall stop here lah, im tired already! Okay, im working today, wtfffff :( I don't want to work leh, haizsx. :( And i miss baby already! He is having his D&T paper today, last dok! Haha yayyy! Shall meet him up soon, within this week! ;D
Okay, long post kan? Bye! Tag aku okay dokey? :]